Heart Story | News
Celebrating performance at 2016 Joint World Conference on Socia... 
2016 Joint World Conference on Social Worker, Education and Social Development that is a symposium
Performance for the opening ceremony at UN NGO Conference 
Heart ensemble was invited to the 66th UN NGO Conference which was held first time in Asia and played impressive music at the opening ceremony.
World Sight Day Campaign in Malawi 
Heart to Heart Foundation is implementing the Trachoma Elimination Project in Machinga District, Malawi and the overall goal of the Project is to reduce trachoma prevalence through effective implementation of WHO-endorsed SFE strategies : Surgery, Facial and Environmental Improvement.
2015 World Sight Day Campaign in Bangladesh 
World Sight Day (WSD) is being observed annually on the second Thursday of October to raise awareness on blindness and vision problems impairment globally. It is an event for the eye health care service providers to engage with patients, community and policymakers at large, and to showcase why ey...
We Are the Trachoma Surgery Team!! 
Let us introduce the trachoma surgery team of Mtawara, Tanzania! If we go into the surgery camp, David is the first one to greet us with a wide smile on his face. He always greets his patients with a happy face so that the patients don't feel anxious.
Joining the ICTC Membership 
Heart to Heart Foundation become a member of ICTC (International Coalition for Trachoma Control) on 23rd September 2014. ICTC was established in 2004 to contribute to the global effort to eliminate blinding trachoma and to advocate and implement the SAFE strategy, endorsed by the World Health Ori...
The Fog Covering the Eyes of Cleophas 
In the village of Mubimbi in Burundi, a country that is called the heart of Africa, NIJIMBERE Cleophas, a six-year-old boy, always wear a scrunch on his face because of his blurred eye sight due to pediatric cataract.
Completion ceremony of Karamtola MLOP Training Center 
On April 22th, the MLOP Training center Completion ceremony was held at Heart to Heart Foundation Bangladesh. Yun-Young Lee, the Republic of Korea Ambassador to Bangladesh, Bok-Hee Kim
Now I can! I can run fast! 
Saidi, a 14 year old boy from Tanzania could never walk due to the disability of not being able to unfold his legs from birth. Going to school takes 30 minutes for others, but for Saidiit takes over an hour by crawling. Despite the disability, he is a model student who is an ardent participant in...
2014 Seoul International Music Festival Collaboration with the... 
Heart-to-Heart Orchestra performed at Seoul Art Center, IBK Chamber Hall invited by ‘2014 Seoul International Music Festival’ on May 11.
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