On May 8, 2023, the Heart to Heart Foundation delivered medicines and medical supplies to address waterborne diseases under the District Health Office (DHO) in Machinga District. The distributed medicines this time included doxycycline, zinc, and Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS), essential for combating waterborne diseases in both adults and children. These supplies were distributed to all 22 primary health facilities in the Machinga district and provided to villagers. During the handover ceremony, local officials, including the Chair of Machinga District Council, the Director of Health and Social Services, and the District Medical Officer, were in attendance. The donated medicines and supplies were valued at 23.5 million Korean won (approximately 17,500 dollars).
Since December 2022, Malawi has been grappling with a severe health crisis due to the spread of Cholera. A total of 58,821 people has been infected, and 1,760 has died. However, the Malawi government struggled to respond effectively due to a lack of infrastructure and human resources, exacerbating the ongoing disease.
Maxwell Chiputula, the County Manager of the Heart to Heart Malawi office, stated, "To support infection prevention at the grassroots level, health facilities need sufficient drugs and medical supplies. The donated medical supplies are intended to be channeled to the district’s health centers to complement infection prevention initiatives and strengthen the ability of health facilities to respond to waterborne diseases in communities." Since 2019, the Heart to Heart Foundation has been conducting a community-based WASH improvement project in the Machinga District with support from KOICA (Korean International Cooperation Agency). Specifically addressing waterborne diseases, the Heart to Heart Foundation is continuously providing support through medications to achieve the goal of reducing WASH-related diseases. Continuing these efforts, the Heart to Heart Foundation hopes that this recent provision of medicines has also been beneficial to the Machinga District. from 2022 to 2024, with the support of Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)>