Karamtola Eye Clinic opening in Bangladesh
Heart to Heart international has established Karamtola hospital in Gazipur area, as a part of Vision recovery program in Bangladesh with Korea International Cooperation Agency, and had an opening ceremony on March 24th. Korean ambassador in Bangladesh, KOICA manager and around one hundred Koreans and local people were at the ceremony to bless the opening and share the vision for the future. The local people were all looking forward for a better optical treatment through the eye clinic.
Technique transmission by professional ophthalmologist Professional ophthalmologists in Korea transmitted cataract and squint surgery techniques to the local professionals through March 20th to 27th.
Visit to Bashania elementary school for sight checking We visited the beneficiary school on March 25th for children’s sight checking and provided vitamins and nutrition in order for them to prevent blindness.
Heart to Heart Foundation will provide adequate treatments and prevention services to protect the sights of the suffering people in Bangladesh. Also by training local professions, we will help the Bangladeshis to live a better life and build the foundation for medical environment.
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