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A gift of clear vision for the elders in Tanzania
File : Date : 2016-10-19 10:25:04

Eye Health Service System Strengthening Program in Tanzania


 World Elder's Day, a gift of clear vision for the elders in Tanzania








The 1st day of October is World Elder's Day. Upon celebration,

Heart to Heart Foundation Tanzania office arranged a specia event this year, for the elders with eye diseases on 29th and 30th September.

That is a complimentary eye camp, held at Dinyecha dispensary of Newala District, one of remote areas in Mtwara region.







For those 2 days, more than 100 seniors and town people paid a visit and received an eye screening and treatment/medication.

The main idea of the event was to refer cataract patients who's far too long been neglected till their eyes turn opaque,

to Ligula hospital and get cataract surgery with all the cost supported by the foundation.

5 patients has been benefited from this service.







Abdala Chinanda, aged 78, who regained his vision after a cataract surgery, overwhelmed in joy, told us

"Though I had little expectation for me to see again as I grow old and weak,

I'm very grateful to see the world clear again. It's been the most precious gift."








Heart to Heart Foundation carries out Eye Strengthening program in Mtwara region supported

by KOICA(Korea International Cooperatio Agency) and continuously strives to benefit every local residents

in the fringe from our eye health service.

 To name a few, we opened an eye clinic at Ligula hospital, the only provincial hospital in the Mtwara district,

 for more cataract patients discovered from Outreach to get surgery,

and are setting up infrastructure for county hospitals so that they can offer ophthalmic service in the near future.

We're here to kick off all the treatable eye diseases, going for zero blindness. Tune in!



World Sight Day Campaign in Malawi 
World Sight Day - Promise of tomorrow at Tandahimba hospital