Trachoma elimination project in Machinga district of Malawi |
2017 Infrastructure Completion Ceremony --- November 23rd, Thursday, Heart-to-Heart Foundation opened the 2017 Infrastructure Completion Ceremony at Madzianjuchi Primary School in Machinga District, Malawi. Teachers and students of each school, parents, PEAs(Primary Education Advisor), and chiefs of the villages participated in the ceremony. ▶ The principal sent a thankful message During the year Heart-to-Heart Foundation has constructed 26 blocks of latrines and 16 boreholes in schools as a part of the Trachoma Elimination Project. Celebrating the ceremony as a starting point, the infrastructures were handed over to the villagers, them being the owners to have responsibility to manage them.
▶ Ribbon-cutting ceremony for latrines
▶ Ribbon cutting ceremony for boreholes
▶ People are glad that ceremony for borehole The Completion Ceremony was opened with latrine and borehole ribbon cutting, and the cheers of the participants. Sanitation club students from each school performed their plays, choirs, and poem recitals to once again remind each other of Trachoma elimination messages.
▶ Students’ choirs
▶ Children who playing
▶ Child who reciting of poem
▶ These people has poster up for Trachoma prevention & PEA(Mlomba) sent a thankful message The Program Coordinator of Heart-to-Heart Foundation, gave a speech about the importance of the villagers’ responsibility and ownership and the PEA sent a message of gratitude.
▶ Children are glad that ceremony for borehole Heart-to-Heart Foundation constructs latrines and boreholes in schools every year to promote good sanitation and hygiene that leads to Trachoma prevention. We hope that the people of Machinga will be able fight off the risks of Trachoma starting from the ceremony! Trachoma elimination project in Machinga district of Malawi Heart-to-Heart Foundation has been running Malawi Trachoma Elimination programme based on S.A.F.E strategy of WHO, with the support of Global Disease Eradication Fund of KOICA |
[출처 : 하트하트재단] |