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Donation medicines & supplies for Nyangao Diarrhea camp
File : Date : 2019-12-02 18:16:18


On October 31st, due to the group’s diarrhea caused by contamination of water in the village of Nyangao, Linidi district. 
District Medical Officer requests the Heart to Heart International Tanzania branch (HtHI Tanzania branch) 
for emergency assistance supplies and medicine.

HtHI Tanzania branch visited Nyangao diarrhea camp for patients who have been suffered from waterborne diseases,
known as diarrhea on November 4th and confirmed that 80 people were infected by E.Coli. 
While visiting diarrhea camp, HtHI Tanzania branch, DMO and DHO from Lindi D.C examined the patient age-group 
and the status of the disease and found that nearly 97.5% of the patients were children under the age of 5,
 at the same time, one of the two deaths was a under 5 year old child

<Children who were have suffered from waterborne disease>

Diarrhea is one of the most common diseases in the world and the child, under 5 years old, 
mortality rate is related with diarrhea. In case of Nyangao village, water contamination 
and poor sanitary condition leads to sicknesses related with waterborne disease especially diarrhea. 
Under 5 years old children lack nutrients basically and diarrhea dehydrates them, 
which in severe cases can lead to death, as well as skin, ear, eye and breathing problems if untreated directly and correctly.

<Child was diagnosed by doctor in the diarrhea camp>

HtHI Tanzania branch held a donation ceremony on Thursday, November 21st, to deliver medicines 
and supplies to eliminate waterborne disease outbreak in Nyangao village, Lindi district. 
Lindi District Executive Director & DMO appreciated the provision and promised prompt support for the patients.

<Donation ceremony>

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