On Sunday, May 22nd, Amazing Grace Church (Reverend Lee Kyuho) had a ceremony to celebrate its donation of 300 solar lamps to Gimbi village in the Singida region of Tanzania.
Rev. Lee said at the ceremony, “We are very excited and thankful about sharing with the global neighbors the joy of the resurrection of Jesus who came as the light of the world.”
Since last year, annually on Easter, Amazing Grace Church has been acting out its love through Heart to Heart Foundation. Last year Amazing Grace Church sponsored eyeglass frames for Tanzania.
Heart to Heart Foundation has been doling out solar lamps to Asia and Africa since 2010 and will match the donation by Amazing Grace Church to provide semi-permanent solar lamps in the areas without electricity.
“This project will serve as a good example for spreading sharing practices by churches as well as a model collaboration between a church and a non-profit organization,” said the founder Shin In-sook.