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[TV Chosun] A "Heart to Heart" Concert Performed by Musicians with Developmental Disorders
Date : 2015-12-02 Hit : 25,322
Did you know there is a symphony orchestra group consisted of members with developmental disabilities in Korea? They have overcome their handicaps and have been playing beautiful harmonies for over 10 years.
Reporter Lee Rura has met the Heart to Heart Orchestra.
An orchestra is rehearsing Beethoven's Symphony No.5. It is an orchestra consisted of members with developmental disabilities.
The Heart to Heart Foundation have been holding this performance every year for the last 10 years. Some members have been here from the start.
"It's already your tenth year in this performance. How are you feeling?"
Dong-kyun Kim, 23 / Founding member
"I feel great."
For this day's performances, various authorities gathered to help through talent donation.
Daejin Kim, Professor, Academy of Music, Korea National University of Arts / Conductor
"Of course it was more than I expected. I thought it would be much more difficult.."
Even more surprising is the efforts of the handicapped members.
Daejin Kim, Professor, Academy of Music, Korea National University of Arts / Conductor
"They practice repeatedly in amounts you cannot imagine……. If you ask regular members to practice that many times, most probably would not have endured it."
The harmony created by the efforts of each of the members make us forget the word disability.
☞ [TV Chosun] A "Heart to Heart" Concert Performed by Musicians with Developmental Disorders