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‘Visiting Education for Awareness Improvement towards the disabilities’ by Heart-to-Heart Orchestra

Date : 2018-07-20 Hit : 25,384

‘Visiting Education for Awareness Improvement towards the disabilities’
by Heart-to-Heart Orchestra and Songpa District Office






Last July 16, the education for awareness improvement towards the disabilities was conducted targeting the workers of Songpa district office and

residential center by Heart-to-Heart Orchestra and Songpa district office.








The educations was begun from Sujin Lee, the leader of Nuri-team managing the region of the disabled from Seoul Welfare Foundation.
It was a time to share with the participants the information regarding the social issues related to disabilities and etiquette

with the subject ‘the type of disabilities and character’. 





In addition, the member of Heart-to-Heart Orchestra cello part Dabin Kim told his story to the audience in the education.
The story of him, “I made plenty of efforts by myself and there are lots of things I can do without someone's help”,
was an opportunity to deliver the people a positive message about the people having developmental disabilities.







And it was followed by the performance of Heart-to-Heart Orchestra.
The orchestra played the high level of music with high degree of completion.
Especially when ‘Gabriel's Oboe’ was played in the cooperative performance with the trumpet member Hangyeol Lee,

many of the audience responded enthusiastically and gave applauds.








Heart-to-Heart Foundation entered a [Agreement for Awareness Improvement towards Disabilities] with Songpa District Office in 2016 and has been visiting and providing such education to elementary, middle and high schools and the district office. Please send us lots of encouragement and cheering in order to spread positive awareness towards the disabled in the society through the orchestra’s beautiful activities.
 We’ll run harder to make Songpa district a place where people live together.



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