Heart Story | News
Now I can! I can run fast!
Saidi, a 14 year old boy from Tanzania could never walk due to the disability of not being able to unfold his legs from birth. Going to school takes 30 minutes for others, but for Saidiit takes over an hour by crawling. Despite the disability, he is a model student who is an ardent participant in...
2014 Seoul International Music Festival Collaboration with the...
Heart-to-Heart Orchestra performed at Seoul Art Center, IBK Chamber Hall invited by ‘2014 Seoul International Music Festival’ on May 11.
Dreams Placed on Crayons
Lately, ten years old Simon has fallen deeply in love with drawing oceans.When drawing about the imagination ofwhat sort of fish lives inside the ocean where his uncle works on a boat, he cannot feel how fast time runs by. I support Simon’s dream of becoming an artist who can draw the ocean as mu...
Invitation to Bid for Renovation of the Child Eye Health Tertia...
Bid for renovation for the paediatric ophthalmic out-patient department and the ward of CEHTF in Burundi
Will Saida's eyes see the flowers of hope?
In a small village of Southern Mtwara in Tanzania, six-year-old Saida Juma lives in a small house without even a bathroom with her mother, who affords a living by working on a nearby farm. Both Saida and her mother are HIV carriers, so even a light cold can be fatal to them. Even so, they have no...
With the gift of the right eye, I received a future~!
Last March, Saloon(12 years old) had to sit in the first row of the classroom, studying with his one eye, as his left eye became blind when he was very young.The Heart to Heart Foundation and our supporters have helped Saloon's dream of continuing studying come true.Last September, he was br...
Special meeting of Heat-to-Heart Orchestra and New York Philhar...
Feb. 5, the special meeting with New York Philharmonic
The story of the 8th Annual Concert of the HEART to HEART ORCHESTRA, performed at the Seoul Arts Center, now begins...Let's take a look at the members getting ready for the stage from early in the morning! They carefully rearrange their uniforms, say whole-hearted prayers or enjoy the wait w...
The Heart to Heart Concert, co-hosted by the Heart to Heart Foundation and Seoul Arts Center. is dedicated to raising our awareness for those with disabilities. The concert will be present a stage of members with developmental disabilities of the Heart to Heart Orchestra and world-famous musicia...
2013 Scholarship Delivery Ceremony of Heart to Heart Orchestra
2013 Scholarship delivery ceremony of Heart to Heart Orchestra was held at the Heart Recital Hall on April 1st. Since 2007, Heart to Heart Foundation has supported socially disadvantaged young people with developmental disabilities who have talent and passion for music.