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Heart to Heart Benefit Concert Held for Underprivileged Children

Date : 2016-12-15 Hit : 25,529




The Heart to Heart Foundation and the Seoul Arts Center will hold a benefit concert for the support of underprivileged children at the IBK Chamber Hall in Seocho-gu Seoul Arts Center on August 16 at 8 pm.


Top class musicians including the Heart to Heart Orchestra will make an appearance.

Violinist Sang-jin Kim(professor at Yonsei University College of Music), who has been working as an adviser to the Heart to Heart Orchestra and has been providing talent donations for adolescents with developmental disabilities, will be the MC of and a performer in the show.


Cellist Young-hoon Song will also make appearance.


Soprano Hyeo-jeong Kang will perform with Heart to Heart Orchestra 's flute duo Dong-kyun Kim(Freshman of Korean National University of Art), and Yung-soo Lee (Graduate of Korea National University of Arts).


The Heart to Heart Orchestra, founded in 2006 by the Heart to Heart Foundation, is an orchestra composed of youths with developmental disabilities. Through more than 500 performances, they are spreading dreams and hope to the public and are improving social awareness on disability.


Since 1988, the Heart to Heart Foundation has been strengthening its capabilities and helpin to create a world where children and families suffering from poverty, disability, and disease are not alienated.


The Heart to Heart Orchestra, composed of youth with developmental disabilities, and the educational and cultural support project for visually handicapped children have opened a new horizon in the cultural welfare business.


In addition, blindness prevention projects and regional development projects are being carried out overseas in developing countries to protect the precious lives of global neighbors and to improve the quality of their lives.



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